DM7917 Week 12 – Deliverable(s)

As my project draws to a close, I have turned my focus to delivering a final outcome. Similarly to how a prototype could be delivered in industry, I am going to be supply a link to an online version of the high fidelity prototype, created in Adobe XD. In industry, this link could used to present the prototype for client or stakeholder review, or to inform a developer who will be tasked with creating the mobile application. 

The process of developing this prototype through several iterations, from paper to high-fidelity, has given me a new-found appreciation for working in the user-experience field. Studying feedback on each prototype and completing usability tests has been instrumental to the decision making between iterations of the prototype, I intend to carry forward this method of working. In particular, I felt a great sense of achievement when I resolved the communication issues between the prototype and the usability tester relating to the onboarding process. There is potential for me to focus more heavily in this area during the upcoming DM7920 Design Communication module, however, in the meantime I plan to focus my attention on accessibility in the next module, DM7903 Design Practice. Design features such as responsive screen sizing, text resizing, and colour contrast, were all touched upon during this module, however I would like to expand my knowledge on them further, while building my understanding of how design can be more inclusive. 

For further reflection, please read my Reflective Process Report.

The high fidelity prototype of the TV Training app can be accessed at the following link:

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