DM7900 Digital Media Principles

DM7900 Digital Media Principles

Throughout the DM7900 Digital Media Principles module, I have been developing a foundational of knowledge on the discourse surrounding the relationship between technology and education. This research has culminated in a written proposal, which details how I intend to further this research in future modules.

Within the proposal, I have consolidated my desired outcomes for the programme into four Learning Goals:

– Research User Centred Design (UCD) Regarding Accessibility, Education and Training

– Practise Research, Analysis and Project Management Skills Required for PhD Study

– Practise Iterative Design Processes Including Prototyping and Working with Personas

– Develop Proficiency in Specialist Software Packages

As I meet each of my learning goals, I hope to develop a basis of knowledge in the area of “Learning Design” (Beetham and Sharpe, 2020:7), which could later inform an application to study a PhD at the University of Winchester.

Beetham, H. and Sharpe, R. eds., (2020). Rethinking Pedagogy for a Digital Age: Principles and Practices of Design. New York, NY: Routledge.